Monday, May 14, 2007

New letters added to low-cost laptop alphabet soup: ITP-C

Appears that the ITP-C is vying with the One Laptop Per Child's gang and Intel (Classmate PC) in the quest to be the technology platform for the Uruguayan classroom.

Launched in mid-2005 by ITP, the ITP-C is a small, Windows-based, touch-screen computer designed for educational institutions and applications. ITP - a small, privately-held, Israeli company - was founded in the early 1990s and specializes in education-related content and solutions for Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries. ITP solutions are installed across Latin America, including in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Paraguay.

ITP's arsenal of education-related content and applications, could distinguish it from OLPC and Intel. This very strength, however, could turn into a weakness as it its software is propriety, whereas the OPLC and Classmate PC both support open-source applications.

The Uruguayan government will soon have to decide between implementing (and perhaps, being locked into) a proprietary, but robust educational solution with ITP or going with the more-flexible, yet also risky (appropriate software may or may not be developed) open-source option.

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